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Frightened girl flees man who tried to grab her in woods off London Road in Upper Harbledown

A terrified 13-year-old girl ran away from a man who tried to grab her while she was out walking her dog in woods.

It is said to have happened in Blean Woods in Upper Harbledown when the grey-haired man emerged from bushes.

She later told police that the offender was laughing as he tried to grab her but made off as they approached houses in London Road.

Upper Harbledown
Upper Harbledown

It happened at around 9pm on Saturday and the suspect is described as white with shoulder-length, untidy hair. He was wearing dark clothing with long sleeves.

Police Sgt Lee Thompson said: "Although no physical contact was made the girl was understandably shaken by the incident.

"We are keen to reassure people that we treat reports of this nature extremely seriously and officers will be patrolling the area.

"We urge people to remain vigilant and if they see any suspicious activity to report it to the police by phoning 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.

"People should always be aware of their own personal safety and avoid walking alone in isolated areas even during the lighter evenings."

Anyone who recognises the description of the man or who has information about the incident should contact police on 01843 222289 or Kent Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 quoting reference number ZY/15060/16.

More personal safety advice can be found on the Kent Police website

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