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Family in flat blaze drama

FIREFIGHTERS led a family to safety during a fire which began in a basement flat in Manor Road Folkestone which was undergoing refurbishment.

Firemen wore breathing apparatus to search the smoke logged flat but no one was inside.

However, a family from the next door basement flat did have to be evacuated. Another six people escaped the fire from other parts of the building.

Police are investigating the cause of the blaze whuich happened on Tuesday evening.

Firemen were concerned that none of the basement flats were fitted with smoke alarms.

Crew manager Tim Hanley said: “We would like to stress once again the dangers of not having a smoke alarm fitted are immense.

“The occupants that were led to safety had a very lucky escape and the consequences could have been far more devastating, had the fire not been detected by one of the flat residents.

“Smoke alarms were fitted by fire crews directly after the fire, in the affected basement flats.”

Householders who would like a free home fire safety check and smoke alarms fitted can phone Folkestone fire station on 01303 227201.

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