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Thug Chay Hart jailed for wood attack

Maidstone crown court
Maidstone crown court

A thug who attacked another man with a piece of wood, fracturing his skull and causing bleeding to the brain, has been jailed for five years.

Chay Hart picked up the fencing with a nail in it after supplying victim Zane Coomber with drugs, Maidstone Crown Court heard.

Victor Ogunbusola, prosecuting, said Mr Coomber went to Ridgeway Park in Southborough on July 5 last year to get some cannabis from Hart.

He was supplied with the drug for £10 but as he was walking down Meadow Road Hart, 22, took it back.

A struggle ensued, with punches being thrown, before they separated and Mr Coomber walked off.

He then heard Hart shout "Oi". He walked up to the victim and struck him several times with the wood.

The prosecutor said as Mr Coomber lay injured on the ground, Hart rummaged through his pockets.

Mr Coomber was taken to Kent and Sussex Hospital and treated for a fractured skull, a blood clot on the brain and a perforated eardrum.

He discharged himself against medical advice after seven days. He was told not to work for about nine months.

Hart, of Crundell Road, Southborough, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Mr Recorder John McGuiness QC said Mr Coomber had walked away when Hart launched the unprovoked assault.

"You struck him extremely hard," he said. "It put him to the ground. You continued to strike him again and again.

"The injuries were serious. I am quite satisfied this is an extremely serious offence and your culpability is extremely high."

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