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NUT strike could disrupt lessons, parents are warned

Schools across Thanet will be affected by the 24-hour strike by teachers today.

Christ Church Junior School in Ramsgate is closed and other schools are likely to have to cancel lessons.

Parents are being advised to contact their children’s schools.

Reaction to the 24-hour walk out by the National Union of Teachers will vary but secondary and primary schools are planning to minimise disruption.

The NUT first national action in 21 years is in response to the proposed teachers pay rise of 2.45 per cent, which the union’s acting general secretary Chris Blower says is poor following three years of below-inflation awards that continues to have damaging effects on recruitment.

Schools minister Jim Knight believes teachers should be "teaching and talking and not walking out."

Tony Davies, vice principal at Hartsdown Technology College in Margate, said: "Teachers across the island who are NUT members will have the option to take action in support of their union. I am certain every effort will be made to keep the impact of any action to a minimum wherever possible. For example, our Year 7 children are on a planned school excursion on Thursday and the teachers, who are union members, have opted to make sure the activity goes ahead rather than strike."

Click here >>> to see how union slams Government pay rise as teachers prepare to strike

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