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Canterbury City Council urged to charge diesel cars more to use Station Road West multi-storey

Drivers of diesel vehicles should pay more to use a multi-storey car park due to be built in the near future, a city campaigner says.

Jeremy Baker also suggested that electric-powered cars should be given a discounted rate to use the facility planned for Station Road West in Canterbury.

He told the council’s regeneration and property committee meeting that automatic number plate recognition systems would be able to identify the ways in which vehicles are powered.

The proposed multi-storey car park in Station Road West in Canterbury
The proposed multi-storey car park in Station Road West in Canterbury

Addressing chairman Cllr Ben Fitter-Harding, he argued: “You said recently that the new automatic number plate recognition system, which the city council is now rolling out, will enable the local authority to identify the mode of propulsion of each vehicle.

"If that’s right then that may mean it could identify petrol, diesel, hybrid and electrical cars.

“I’d, therefore, like to ask the city council to consider giving a discount on standard parking charges to those in electric cars and perhaps a surcharge on standard parking charges to those in diesel cars.”

Mr Baker said the measure would help the local authority reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the city and encourage residents to use electric cars.

He added this could be rolled out at each of the car parks set to be equipped with ANPR.

Gorrell councillor Bernadette Fisher voiced her support for Mr Baker’s suggestion.

While Beltinge councillor Ian Stockley called it a “good point”, he warned it could leave the less well-off out of pocket.

“The majority of poorer members of society tend to drive older vehicles and attract increased levies and this would be another burden upon those.”

Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker

Cllr Fitter-Harding said the council would not be “ready” to investigate slapping diesel vehicles with a surcharge, but added: “It’s absolutely something that does need to be looked at to encourage the kind of usage we think is right for our city.”

He did confirm plans for a “Boris bike scheme” at the station are gathering pace.

The committee was considering calls made by the Canterbury Forum to postpone the 250-space car park plan in order to look at other ways of using the site.

However, it voted in favour of pressing ahead with it and asked officers to come up with a diagram of how the front of the station will be used.

The multi-storey will include at least 16 additional cycle racks, electric car charging points and a footway stretching to St Dunstan’s.

Cllr Simon Warley said he has been sent “more than 100 emails” from residents opposing it and just one in favour.

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