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Find who murdered my Debbie pleads mother

DESPERATE: Patricia Cameron
DESPERATE: Patricia Cameron

THE DESPERATE mother of missing Debbie Griggs is convinced her daughter has been murdered and has accused the police of letting her down.

Patricia Cameron fears the case has been pushed to the bottom of a big pile and won't be solved in her lifetime.

"I have been sure from the start that Debbie is dead and I don't believe her killer will be brought to justice before I die, "she said.

"I have lost all faith in Kent police and feel it is now time for someone else to take over," Mrs Cameron added.

It is the fourth anniversary of Debbie's disappearance on Monday and despite extensive searches, public appeals and investigations by police, there is still no trace of her.

The 34-year-old mother of three young boys was four months pregnant when she went missing from her home in Cross Road, Walmer.

Debbie's husband Andrew has started a new life with his three sons and parents in Dorset but Mrs Cameron says she cannot move on.

"I cannot look to the future until we find out what happened to Debbie," she said.

Her daughter's disappearance has taken its toll on Mrs Cameron physically and emotionally.

She has suffered a heart attack and other health problems since Debbie disappeared and is haunted by dreams of her daughter.

"I dream about her all the time and sometimes I see her with the baby she was expecting," said Mrs Cameron, who has fought for answers to the mystery of her daughter's disappearance.

"I have done everything I possibly can to find out what happened to Debbie and gave the police any information I thought might help, " she added.

"Sometimes I feel as if they just don't want to know and are not interested anymore."

She fears that although Debbie's case remains open it is becoming less important to the police as every year passes.

"Nobody has been in touch with me for months and I feel completely let down," Mrs Cameron said.

The officer in charge of the case, Det Supt Bob Nelson, vowed he would never give up on the case but has now moved on from Kent Police.

Mrs Cameron said he did tell her he was leaving but she has heard nothing from the new officer on the case.

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