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Handcrafted poppies decorate St John the Evangelist Church in Kingsdown in memory of The Fallen

More than 2,500 handcrafted poppies will decorate St John the Evangelist Church from today following a project led by the mother of a Kingsdown pilot killed in Afghanistan.

Sq Ldr Anthony Downing, 34, died on December 23, 2011, after the vehicle he was travelling in was hit by an explosion south of Kabul, Afghanistan.

VIDEO: The church is covered in the handcrafted poppies.

In July this year, his mother Masheeda Downing, of Hillcrest Road, was inspired to start a project which would remember her son and others who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It would involve the whole community.

The stunning display made up of more than 2,500 handcrafted poppies inside Kingsdown church
The stunning display made up of more than 2,500 handcrafted poppies inside Kingsdown church
Squadron Leader Ant Downing, who died from an explosion in Afghanistan
Squadron Leader Ant Downing, who died from an explosion in Afghanistan

She said: “I had this idea of making poppies for Remembrance Sunday when I started a new craft group in the church back in July.

“I said that the group needed a focus. I put this idea to them and everybody said yes with enthusiasm.

“I also spoke to my son, David, and he said, ‘Yes, go for it, mum!’”

Mrs Downing created posters, flyers and approached groups, explaining her vision to the fill the village church – where there is a plaque in memory of the former Dover Grammar School for Boys pupil – with the red flowers.

Before long, the whole village was behind the idea including the Cubs and Beavers and Goodwins WI, as well as Swanstitch and Save the Children charity shop in Deal.

Their contributions range from small woollen poppies to giant paper creations.

The DVD will show Masheeda Downing and her friends making and sorting through the poppies
The DVD will show Masheeda Downing and her friends making and sorting through the poppies
Primary school children and the village Scouts and Cubs have also contributed to the display
Primary school children and the village Scouts and Cubs have also contributed to the display

They will be hung on a huge camouflage, donated by the RAF, which will be draped over the alter at the back of the church.

Five hundred shells, selected from the seashore in Birchington and painted red by friend Sue Parker-White and her husband Malcolm are too heavy to be hung.

They will be placed around the entrance to the church.

Mrs Downing said: “This display will be to remember all the ones who gave their life, including my son, who gave his precious life for our safety.”

The Rev Cathy Sigrist, who conducted Sqn Ldr Downing’s funeral service in 2012, will lead the Remembrance Service at the church on Sunday.

It will be her last service after six-and-a-half years in the village before she moves to Cornwall.

She said: “I felt that it was important to stay considering my journey with Masheeda and her family.

“This project has just brought the whole community together with so many different groups getting involved. It’s been wonderful.”

Masheeda Downing with the Rev Cathy Sigrist and some of the poppies that have been made
Masheeda Downing with the Rev Cathy Sigrist and some of the poppies that have been made

She added: “It’s right and proper that we honour the people who have lost their lives but also the many who have been injured.”

Many of the poppies will be for sale and all funds will go Help for Heroes. A retiring collection will also be held.

The Remembrance Service will be at 10.30am and all are welcome.

Mr Downing’s friend Major Richard Emmerson, of the Royal Dragoon Guards, will give a reading.

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