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Dartford drink driver jailed after hit and run which killed teen e-scooter rider in Bickley, Bromley

A drink driver who was more than three times the limit when he struck and killed a teen e-scooter rider has been jailed.

James Biscoe, from Dartford, had been travelling in a red Fiat Punto along Southborough Lane in Bromley when he hit 16-year-old Junior Alexander.

Junior Alexander had recently sat his GCSE's when he was knocked from his e-scooter and killed. Photo: Metropolitan Police
Junior Alexander had recently sat his GCSE's when he was knocked from his e-scooter and killed. Photo: Metropolitan Police

The 21-year-old, of Windsor Drive, was driving on the wrong side of the road at 1.20am on Sunday, July 18 last year.

Junior, who lived locally, was thrown some distance before hitting a tree. He suffered serious injuries and was found by members of the public around eight minutes later.

The teen was rushed to hospital but despite the efforts of medics to save him, he died shortly after 6am. A post-mortem gave the cause of death as multiple injuries.

At the time of the crash Biscoe, who did not stop, was travelling at a speed of at least 50mph in a 30mph zone.

Pieces of debris from his Punto found at the scene, coupled with forensic evidence and mobile phone records placed him nearby.

James Biscoe, from Dartford, pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving. Photo: Metropolitan Police
James Biscoe, from Dartford, pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving. Photo: Metropolitan Police

Following the crash police immediately set about trying to find the vehicle.

At 5.25am the same morning officers received a call to Southwood Close, Bromley, around one kilometre away from the scene of the crash, after a damaged vehicle was found.

Biscoe was found asleep in the driver’s seat with the keys in the ignition and engine off.

Officers woke him and noted his speech was slurred, his eyes were bloodshot and he smelled strongly of alcohol. A breath test was carried out and Biscoe was arrested.

He was taken into custody and made no comment to all questions before being released on bail.

An investigation was then launched by detectives who worked to build a case against Biscoe.

The incident happened in Southborough Lane in Bromley last year. Photo: Google Images
The incident happened in Southborough Lane in Bromley last year. Photo: Google Images

Specialist forensic work showed that at the time of the crash Biscoe would of had an alcohol level within his body of approximately 106 micrograms per 100 milliliters of breath. The legal limit is 35 micrograms.

CCTV confirmed that Biscoe had driven on the wrong side of the road and was travelling over the speed limit.

Pieces of debris found at the scene – including a lower front grille and plastic skirting from the underside of the vehicle – were proven to be from his Punto.

Forensic examination placed the drunk driver inside the vehicle, while mobile phone records also placed him nearby at the time.

Junior’s e-scooter, which had been thrown onto a traffic island by the force of the collision, was picked up from the scene by an unsuspecting member of the public who thought it had been abandoned and had not realised Junior was injured nearby.

The man later returned the e-scooter to police following a media appeal and no further action was taken against him.

"Our lives will never be the same, we are broken..."

Biscoe was charged in January this year.

Last month the 21-year-old appeared at the Old Bailey where he pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving, operating a vehicle while over the speed limit, and failing to stop at the scene of a crash.

He was sentenced at the same court on Friday to seven years in prison – a sentence which took into consideration his early guilty plea. Biscoe was also banned from driving for ten years.

Paying tribute to her son, Junior's mother, Donna Lonergan, said: "Junior was a kind, humble, intelligent, respectful and handsome young man. He was very academic and was aiming to become a lawyer.

"He was waiting for his GCSE results to choose one of the four offers he was given to go on to further education. He never got to collect his results, the seven high B’s and two A’s, that he worked so hard to achieve.

She added: "That man killed my innocent son. He made the choice to drive drunk, at speed on the wrong side of the road. He then left him to die alone on the road side. He didn’t even call him an ambulance to give him a fighting chance.

"Our lives will never be the same, we are broken. The night he brutally killed my son, my heart stopped beating. I love you Junior, you will never be forgotten, forever by your side. Until we meet again."

Detective Sergeant Nick Bale said: “Junior was a young boy who had his entire life ahead of him when it was cut short in the most awful of ways.

"The manner of Biscoe’s driving, and the condition he was in at the time, meant that Junior’s injuries were catastrophic. I know that life for his family has never been the same since, and they will continue to grieve for him for many, many years to come.

“Our thanks go to the members of the public who came to Junior’s aid, and the doctors and nurses who worked so hard to save him. And of course we are grateful to Junior’s family who have been so supportive of our investigation.

“Biscoe answered no comment during his interview to every question put to him, and attempted to frustrate our work by refusing to disclose the PIN number for his phone.

"But my team worked meticulously and their efforts left him with no option but to plead guilty.”

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