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Warning after thefts from cars in Risborough Lane, Downs Road and Dolphins Road in Folkestone

Drivers are being urged to keep their vehicles secure after a spate of thefts in Folkestone.

Officers from the victim based crime team (VBCT) have been investigating a number of incidents, with the most recent reported yesterday in Risborough Lane.

Multiple thefts have also happened in Walton Gardens in Folkestone. Picture: Google
Multiple thefts have also happened in Walton Gardens in Folkestone. Picture: Google

Here, a credit card was reportedly stolen from a vehicle parked in the street overnight.

Other thefts happened in Walton Gardens on June 18, where cash was stolen, and in Downs Road on June 17, where an iPad was taken from the car’s glove box.

Multiple vehicles were also targeted in Dolphins Road at around the same time and during one incident, a car door was damaged in order to steal some loose change.

Sergeant Sarah Williams from VBCT said the team does not underestimate how upsetting and costly these crimes are, which is why they do everything they can to identify the offenders and put a stop to it.

“Whilst we continue to investigate, we urge any other victims in the Folkestone area to come forward with details. In the meantime there are some steps motorists can take to help deter thieves,” she said.

“Try to park in well-lit areas, on a driveway or inside a garage if you have one. Also consider CCTV and motion sensors, which will alert you when someone walks near your vehicle or enters your driveway. It is also important not to leave anything valuable in your car as opportunistic thieves will break in for the smallest item.”

Anyone with information that could assist officers with their enquiries should call police on 01843 222289 quoting reference 20-0434 or to report a crime online.

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