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Gillingham midfielder Andy Barcham says the players did their homework to secure win over Huddersfield

Andy Barcham drives the Gills forward. Picture: Barry Goodwin
Andy Barcham drives the Gills forward. Picture: Barry Goodwin

Andy Barcham believes the team’s homework paid off as they silenced promotion-chasing Huddersfield on Saturday.

A thorough examination of why the Gills lost the reverse fixture in Huddersfield left Barcham (pictured) and his team-mates with a clear picture of how to undo their supposedly superior opponents.

He said: "We had a game plan, we stuck to it and we got the win we deserved.

"Mark Robson and the gaffer worked hard with us and showed us videos of how much we were sitting off them at their place.

"We couldn’t believe how much time we gave them on the ball. When you have players with the ability they have in their team then they will find the pass and sooner or later they will find the goal.

"Seeing that before the game helped us. We knew what we had to do, we had been working on it all week and we knew it would be a tough game. It’s all come together.

"When you work on something like that in training and it comes together it gives you that sense of pride. It’s a better feeling because you know you are doing the right things.

"We’re delighted with the three points. They are big and we needed them. Everyone knows if you can put a few results together then you can get away from the relegation zone and that’s what we’re looking to do."

It was Barcham’s first start for the Gills since the woeful home defeat to Tranmere and he was thrilled to be back involved from the off.

"I’ve been waiting for my chance and I was delighted to be back in the frame," he said.

"A win is good for me and good for the boys because that’s what we needed.

"Now I’m back in the team I just want to help out with a few goals. We can’t rely on Jacko to do it all, although it doesn’t matter who scores really, we just need to get the points."

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