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Is one-way the only way?

Whitstable town centre will be strangled unless something is done about the traffic.

That is the view of resident Neil Baker who spoke at a meeting of the Whitstable area member panel.

“The town will be strangled if things don’t change,” he said. “It is time to take a brave decision and that is a one-way system.”

The prospect of a one-way system in Oxford Street is back on the agenda after the majority of panel members agreed it is the only answer.

City council highways and transportation officer Viv Pritchard admitted there were still many complaints about traffic delays and the lack of parking enforcement.

A trial involving more wardens saw a fall in parking offences and 127 tickets were issued over 12 weeks, but Mr Pritchard said there were not the resources to maintain it.

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Mr Pritchard believed that changes could be made to the regulations which would help, and they had been discussed with the Chamber of Commerce, which agrees.

Mark Woollard, from the chamber, said: “Anything that will help the flow of traffic needs looking at.”

Cllr Jean Law said: “We have got to stop nibbling at the edges over this, grasp the nettle and try at last for a one-way scheme.”

Cllrs Jeanne Harrison and Pat Todd agreed, but Cllr Martin Fisher said a one-way scheme would only be introduced “over his dead body”.

The panel voted to ask officers to examine longer-term changes, including re-consulting on a one-way system.

Their recommendation will now go to the city council executive and the joint transportation board.

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