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Racist thug jailed for Dartford attack

Scales of justice
Scales of justice

by Keith Hunt

A drunk teenager who broke a man’s jaw in a racist outburst has been locked up for 16 months.

Michael Atkinson hurled foul abuse at two Polish couples before launching the vicious attack on Rafal Bis.

Yesterday, a judge admitted the sentence was lenient.

Mr Bis and his five months pregnant wife Anna were in Central Park, Dartford, on April 10 with Jacek Mielczarak, his wife Karelina and their seven-month-old child.

James Lachovic, prosecuting, said the couples were leaving the park by the playground when Atkinson, 19, said to Mr Bis: “Nice haircut.”

Believing it was a compliment, he replied: “Thanks, mate.” Atkinson then realised the couples were not British.

He shouted: “F----- immigrants, go back to your own country. Why you in this country?”

Mr Lachovic told Maidstone Crown Court Mr Bis tried to walk away but Atkinson grabbed him. Mr Bis was concerned about his wife.

Mr Mielczarak intervened and Atkinson punched him in the head. He also punched Mrs Mielczarak.

Mr Bis ran towards them and the teenager punched him on the left side of his jaw. Blood poured into his mouth.

The victim was taken to Darent Valley Hospital, where an X-Ray revealed his jaw was fractured. He was referred to the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead “to repair the damage”.

Mr Lachovic said Mr Bis had to have four plates inserted into his jaw. He was off work for two weeks and could only eat soft food for a while.

The prosecutor told the court: “The defendant is seen on CCTV. It is perfectly clear he was exceptionally drunk.”

When a police officer spoke to Atkinson, he was not wearing his top. He had difficulty in walking and was almost incoherent.

“He became upset when he saw his own behaviour,” said Mr Lachovic. “He said his behaviour was disgusting. He said it was way out of order.”

Atkinson, of Stonewood House, Sandy Lane, Bean, admitted racially aggravated grievous bodily harm and two charges of racially aggravated assault.

Mr Recorder Cairns Nelson QC told Atkinson: “The sentence I am going to pass is less than I should.”

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