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Schoolgirl Belle Fisher in final 30 of Got to Dance show

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Video: Herne teenager
Belle Fisher is in the Got To Dance semi-final

Schoolgirl dancer Belle Fisher has made it through to the
semi-final of hit TV talent show Got To Dance.

The 13-year-old is the first female solo street dancer to make
the final 30 of the Sky 1 competition.

The Herne Bay High School pupil, from Herne, wowed judges
last night.

Belle is now in with a chance of winning the £250,000 prize.

Belle said: "It has been such an amazing experience for me. I
didn't think I'd ever get this far but somehow it's happened. It's
amazing. Dancing is my life - I live it and breathe it.

"My biggest ambition is to be a world-class performer and
choreographer on stage and screen."

Belle Fisher wowed judges on Sky One s hit show Got to Dance.
Belle Fisher wowed judges on Sky One s hit show Got to Dance.

Belle Fisher wowed
judges on Sky One s hit show Got to Dance.

Picture: Chris Lobina/Sky1

Belle, who has been dancing for less than five years, practises
for three hours a night in a dance studio built by her dad Glenn at
the bottom of the garden.

She said: "I practise everywhere. Sometimes I'm dancing at
school and I don't even know I'm doing it.

"It's my life - I live it and breathe it. My biggest ambition is
to be a world-class performer and choreographer on stage and

"I'd love to follow in Diversity's footsteps and have my own
dance tour and street dance DVD for kids. I'd also love to perform
on TV shows, adverts and music videos."

With £250,000 up for grabs, most teenage girls would be dreaming
of a shopping trip to remember, but Belle knows exactly what she'd
spend the prize money on.

She said: "I'd buy my dad a new car. He drives me all around the
country to competitions and dance classes at Zoo Nation and his one
is starting to fall apart."

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