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Girl's hand cut after man tried to open her bag in Fountain Lane, Barming, Maidstone

A schoolgirl's hand was slashed after a man followed her home and tried to get in her bag.

The youngster was walking along St Andrew's Road, Barming, when she became aware of a man acting suspiciously.

Officers are appealing for information
Officers are appealing for information

As she got to the junction in Fountain Lane at around 3.15pm on Thursday, January 23, she reported the man put his arm on the bag she was carrying and tried to open it.

When he walked away the girl noticed the cut on her hand.

She required hospital treatment.

Kent Police described the suspect as white or of mixed race, in his 20s and around 5ft 8in.

He was believed to be have been wearing all black, including a bandana, zip hoody, Nike jogging bottoms and trainers.

The description also stated he was wearing fingerless gloves and a bag across his chest.

Enquiries to establish the full circumstances of the incident are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to call 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/15091/20.

Those with information can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or by using the anonymous online form at Crimestoppers-uk.org.

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