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Driver found slumped over wheel with powder under nose after hitting lamppost

27 February 2023
Driver found slumped over wheel with powder under nose after hitting lamppost

A man high on ketamine was found slumped over the wheel with powder under his nose after crashing into a lamppost and hurtling over a roundabout.


Drunk car firm boss crashed after celebrating heart surgery all-clear

27 February 2023
Drunk car firm boss crashed after celebrating heart surgery all-clear

The celebrations of a man given the all-clear to drink alcohol following heart surgery ended with him crashing into two cars while drunk.


Drink driver crashed and flipped car

26 February 2023
Drink driver crashed and flipped car

A motorist who crashed his Audi which ended up on its roof was found to be over the drink-drive limit.

Rejected lover sent ex 'vile' Moonpig card and gave her fat lip

25 February 2023
Rejected lover sent ex 'vile' Moonpig card and gave her fat lip

A rejected lover used Moonpig to send his ex-girlfriend a "vile" card calling her nasty names - and punched her in the face after they broke up.


KFC worker caught after downing cans of beer before driving

24 February 2023
KFC worker caught after downing cans of beer before driving

A KFC worker pulled over by police was found to be over the legal drink-drive limit and had downed several cans earlier that evening.


Thug barged into and kicked man during lift row

23 February 2023
Thug barged into and kicked man during lift row

A thug appeared in court after shoulder-barging another man as he was getting into a lift at a station before kicking him on the shin.


Over-the-limit BMW driver had told cops he was getting lift home

22 February 2023
Over-the-limit BMW driver had told cops he was getting lift home

A pensioner who was caught behind the wheel of his BMW while over the legal limit had earlier told police he was getting picked up from the pub.


Pregnant mum spared jail after stealing from friend to buy drugs

22 February 2023
Pregnant mum spared jail after stealing from friend to buy drugs

A mum-of-two who stole from cars and even her own friend to fund her heroin habit has narrowly avoided prison.


Drug driver involved in M25 crash banned

21 February 2023
Drug driver involved in M25 crash banned

A van driver who was involved in an accident on the M25, which wasn't his fault, was found to be over the drug-drive limit.

Drink-driver banned after swerving towards oncoming traffic

20 February 2023
Drink-driver banned after swerving towards oncoming traffic

A driver seen swerving onto the wrong side of the road, narrowly missing other vehicles, was found to be twice the legal drink-drive limit.


Driver banned from road after smoking cannabis

20 February 2023
Driver banned from road after smoking cannabis

A cannabis smoker who came to the attention of police when he took an unusual route through a town has been banned from the road.


Prison officer harassed after STD accusation on Snapchat

20 February 2023
Prison officer harassed after STD accusation on Snapchat

A man has been banned from contacting a former girlfriend after he called her on numerous occasions when she claimed he had given her chlamydia.

Drink-driver high on cannabis busted at McDonald's

19 February 2023
Drink-driver high on cannabis busted at McDonald's

A drink-driving McDonald's customer high on cannabis was shopped by staff after he pulled up and ordered while sweating and incoherent.


BT worker tagged after cannabis stash found in shed

19 February 2023
BT worker tagged after cannabis stash found in shed

A dad-of-three found with a large amount of cannabis in his garden shed told police he had bought it in bulk for personal use.


Drunk man abused barbers after he couldn't get hair cut

18 February 2023
Drunk man abused barbers after he couldn't get hair cut

A drunk man was evicted from a barber's shop after he started shouting and swearing at staff because they could not fit him in for a hair cut.


Drink-driver 'risked lives' while almost three-times the limit

16 February 2023
Drink-driver 'risked lives' while almost three-times the limit

A drink-driver who crashed into another vehicle and caused another motorist spinal injuries was found to be almost three times the drink-drive limit.

BMW driver killed in head-on crash was facing court for drugs and motoring offences

16 February 2023
BMW driver killed in head-on crash was facing court for drugs and motoring offences

A BMW driver killed in a head-on crash on Monday was facing a court case this week accused of drugs and motoring offences.

Thug punched shop worker after calling him the 'n-word'

15 February 2023
Thug punched shop worker after calling him the 'n-word'

A racist thug who insulted a shop worker with an offensive racial slur punched him and assaulted another employee who tried to break up a fight.


Drug driver caught behind wheel twice

14 February 2023
Drug driver caught behind wheel twice

A drug driver pulled over by police after weaving through traffic at high speeds did the whole thing again a month later.


Woman fined after dropping cigarette butt in street

14 February 2023
Woman fined after dropping cigarette butt in street

A smoker who threw a cigarette butt on the ground in a street and was given a fixed penalty notice of £75 has now been fined £100.

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