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Construction & Housing

Cash boost for colliery plans

Cash boost for colliery plans

07 March 2014

Proposals to put a tourist attraction in a former colliery are a step closer after receiving money from a government pot supporting coastal towns.

Cultural facelift in £600k bonanza

Cultural facelift in £600k bonanza

07 March 2014

The cultural scene of Medway is to be revitalised in a major facelift that will bring 140 jobs thanks to a government grant announced today.

Completion date for DTIZ announced

Completion date for DTIZ announced

06 March 2014

A council leader says work to revamp the town centre will start next spring, for completion in summer 2016.

Family worry over compulsory purchase

Family worry over compulsory purchase

04 March 2014

A Wouldham family are fearful their home will be taken to provide a wider access to a proposed housing development.

Activists demand fracking ban in flood-risk areas

 Activists demand fracking ban in flood-risk areas

02 March 2014

An opposition group says fracking applications should not be granted in areas prone to flooding.

Council says no to Tesco - again

Council says no to Tesco - again

02 March 2014

The threat of an appeal hearing did not prevent Maidstone councillors from saying No to Tesco.

Have plans for a marina fallen by the wayside?

Have plans for a marina fallen by the wayside?

28 February 2014

An agency behind a major regeneration project is remaining tight-lipped on whether plans for a marina have been dropped.

Store creates 14 new jobs

Store creates 14 new jobs

27 February 2014

A new Screwfix outlet has opened for tradesmen.

MP proposes waterfront scheme for Ramsgate

MP proposes waterfront scheme for Ramsgate

24 February 2014

A major action plan could breathe new life in to Ramsgate’s waterfront.

House-building firm sees profits up by half

House-building firm sees profits up by half

24 February 2014

A Kent-based housing developer says schemes like Help to Buy are driving growth.

D-day for shopping park

D-day for shopping park

24 February 2014

With councillors due to decide whether to accept plans for an £85m shopping park off the M20, campaigners say it could damage town-centre retailers.

'I could sort you some nice solar panels for £100,000'

'I could sort you some nice solar panels for £100,000'

23 February 2014

A councillor who runs a renewable energy company had his sales patter branded "dodgy" after offering to give the council a quote in a budget meeting.

Homes will replace old social club

Homes will replace old social club

23 February 2014

A former social club is to be demolished to make way for new housing.

Council to buy International House

Council to buy International House

21 February 2014

The purchase of a prominent office block is the key to a major new town centre development say councillors.

Huge expansion of wind farm dropped

Huge expansion of wind farm dropped

19 February 2014

Bosses at the world's largest wind farm off the north Kent coast have today revealed a huge expansion will not go ahead.

Eyesore no more

Eyesore no more

14 February 2014

Council chiefs have drafted a document to knock down one of Kent's worst eyesores without needing the owner's consent.

Council produces draft Local Plan

Council produces draft Local Plan

13 February 2014

Councillors have accepted their borough needs to provide 19,600 homes, despite strong opposition from KCC.

Calls for new town in north Kent

Calls for new town in north Kent

11 February 2014

A think tank led by a Labour peer says north Kent should become home to the UK's first new town since the 1960s.

Developers opt for "Maidstone Gateway"

Developers opt for "Maidstone Gateway"

10 February 2014

Developers' plans for Junction 8 will "never be acceptable" said residents attending a public exhibition.

Uncertain future for site as factory demolition begins

Uncertain future for site as factory demolition begins

07 February 2014

Work has started to demolish a vacant factory, but it is yet to be decided what will go in its place.

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