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Man loses part of ear in fight

A SHEPPEY man who had part of his ear bitten off during an incident outside Sheerness East Working Men's Club at Halfway is due to have plastic surgery. The 30-year-old maintenance fitter, who has not been named by police, was injured during a fight at Queenborough Road on Saturday afternoon.

Ambulance staff say the injured man and the detached section of ear was taken in an ice box to hospital in Gillingham. He left hospital later that evening and is due to receive plastic surgery as an outpatient.

On the same evening, a 43-year-old woman from Queensway, Sheerness, and a 23-year-old woman were injured during a fight outside the Fiddler's Cat pub in Sheernss High Street.

Michael Gaynor, 27, of Foxley Road, Queenborough, was arrested on Sunday and charged with causing grevious bodily harm and two charges under the Offences Against the Person Act. He was remanded on police bail and is due to appear before Sittingbourne magistrates tomorrow.

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