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Landlady Carol gets gas back at last

CAROL BLAKE: reported her case to the energy watchdog Ofgem. Picture: CHRIS DAVEY
CAROL BLAKE: reported her case to the energy watchdog Ofgem. Picture: CHRIS DAVEY

A PUB landlady has told of her “nightmare” after going without a gas supply for seven weeks.

Carol Blake, 47, of the White Horse in Bridge, near Canterbury, had been in the job one day when her supply was cut off and bailiffs removed her meter over a £3,500 debt run up by the previous landlord.

After supplier Total Gas pulled out of their contract with the pub Mrs Blake contacted several suppliers before agreeing a deal with E.ON Energy.

They told her it was an emergency case and her supply would be restored within one week.

A technician finally turned on the gas on Tuesday after seven weeks and an estimated £18,000 in lost restaurant revenue.

“It’s been a nightmare getting the supply back,” said Mrs Blake. “If this is an emergency case I dread to think what happens for a non-emergency.

“I was on the phone six times a day for the past six weeks but the system is so slow.”

Mrs Blake has reported her case to the energy watchdog Ofgem.

She added: “The company have been apologetic but there has been so much to-ing and fro-ing. It’s one firm for supply, another for installation.

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