Olim Meminisse Juvabit
Olim Meminisse Juvabit

Headteacher's Welcome

For over 475 years, Maidstone Grammar School has provided generations of young people with an excellent education.

We have a long-standing reputation for academic success, with not only outstanding results at GCSE and A Level, but also a consistent record of providing our students with the qualifications and skills required to go on to destinations that meet their interests. However, MGS is about more than just exam results. We offer a broad and varied co-curricular and personal development programme, which, when combined with our ethos, values, and belief in academic rigour, produces well-rounded students.

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This button is for MGS students who would like to confidentially and securely share any concerns. Please use it to contact our safeguarding team privately, and we will contact you. If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

Latest Publications

House Cup 2024-25

Updated – Feb 2025

Barton House



Barton House is named after the location of the School since 1930.

College House



College House is named after the location of the School from 1395 to 1549.

Corpus Christi House



Corpus Christi House is named after the location of the School from 1549 to 1871.

Tonbridge House



Tonbridge House is named after the location of the School from 1871 to 1930.