'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it' Proverbs 22:6
I am extremely proud to be the headteacher of Boughton under Blean and Dunkirk Methodist Primary School. The teachers here care about the children a great deal and work incredibly hard to ensure they have the best learning opportunities possible. We pride ourselves on delivering a broad and varied curriculum that is fun and interesting. The children’s achievement and attainment is key to all we do and we feel that to ensure the children have the best chance to reach their potential the pupils should be happy and secure in their school environment.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection (July 2019) identified all that we are most proud of and stated that we are:
‘committed to providing pupils with opportunities that help them grow into well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to their communities’
This is underpinned by our Methodist ethos of ‘doing all the good that we can’ while the inspector also saw and commented on committed teachers, good subject knowledge, effective questioning and a curriculum rich in experiences. If you already have a child attending our school then you will hopefully recognise the above and if you are interested in sending your child here please phone to arrange a visit and see for yourself.
Within this website you will hopefully find exactly what you are looking for and you should contact us if this proves difficult. We also hope that our aim for a website that reflects the ‘feel’ of our school, both in our friendly approach and also in what we do, has been met.
Mr S J Way
“The school's ethos, doing all the good that we can', contributes to pupils taking a positive approach in all that they do."
Ofsted report, July 2019
We are proud of all that we offer in relation to Cultural Capital and pupil experiences. For information on what the children in our school will experience, please look at the 'Wider Curriculum and Cultural Capital' page under Learning on this website.
Cultural Capital experiences for the Autumn term include:
Year 6 residential
Year 5 Outdoor learning day at Creed
Trips to Kent Life, Canterbury Roman Museum, Wildwood, Ramsgate Tunnels, RAF museum
Appointed new Y3 Antibullying Ambassadors
Training for Digital Leaders and Sports Leaders
Sporting competitions including Y2 Basketball, Y5/6 Basketball, Y3/4 Hockey, Y4/5/6 netball, internal whole school Wake and Shake competition, Fruit Run
First Aid in Y5
Nativity and carol performances
Black History
Bishop of Dover visit
If you are looking for a place in our reception class for September 2025, please call the office to arrange a visit.
01227 751431 | |
Mr Simon Way | |
Boughton–under–Blean & Dunkirk Primary School is committed to the principles and procedures of safeguarding pupils.
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