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Florica Tiru, of Clover Court, Willesborough, Ashford, calls police after vandals steal cross from her daughter’s grave and plant it in her garden

By: Sam Williams

Published: 01:00, 23 January 2015

A grieving mother says she is too scared to leave her home after heartless vandals stole the cross from her daughter’s grave and buried it upside down in her garden.

The letters RIP were sprayed on her bedroom window in black paint in the same harrowing attack.

Then on Wednesday night, six days after the first incident, a brick was thrown through her window, shattering glass around the room.

The cross was buried upside down and RIP was sprayed on the window

Luckily she was in the living room at the time and wasn’t hurt.

Eggs were also thrown at her kitchen window.


Florica Tiru, 45, says she now fears for her life following the two ordeals at her home in Clover Court, Willesborough, Ashford.

Florica Tiru says she is now scared to leave the house following the attack

She said: “I want something to be done so I can feel safe. I can’t take anymore. My nerves are at their limit.

“I’m scared for my life. I’m scared they will hurt me.

“I want the police to do something about this.”

The first attack took place last Thursday. Miss Tiru had been in Ashford town until about 3pm and then returned home.

The brick came through the window on Wednesday night
The brick came through the window and landed on Miss Tiru's bed

At 7pm, a neighbour knocked on her door and asked if she’d seen what was outside.

She discovered the cross, which had been taken from her disabled daughter Ana-Maria’s grave, as well as the graffiti.

She said: “What hurts me the most is that someone took my daughter’s cross from her grave and brought it here.

“I feel like I am just waiting for the next thing to happen. I’m scared and on edge. I haven’t left the house since all this started.” - Florica Tiru

“It was in the ground upside down.


“Only a few people know where my daughter’s grave is.

“I’m so angry and hurt.

“I want to put the cross back but I’m scared it will be taken again or go missing.”

The police were called and say they are now investigating the incident.

Then, on Wednesday night, Miss Tiru, who was in her living room, was woken when a brick came through the same window that had been sprayed, landing on her bed.

She said: “I feel like I am just waiting for the next thing to happen. I’m scared and on edge.

"I haven’t left the house since all this started.”

Miss Tiru, who lives alone, has lived in the UK for 11 years after moving from Romania.

Her daughter, Ana-Maria, who was born with cerebral palsy, died aged 10 in 2010. She was buried at St Mary the Virgin, in Church Road, Willesborough.

Since she passed away, Miss Tiru says she has suffered from panic attacks and depression.

She said: “It has been very hard since Ana-Maria died. I can’t sleep very well.”

Miss Tiru, who has two children aged 25 and 27 who live in London, says she can’t think why such extreme acts are being made against her.

Ana-Maria was 10 when she died

She said: “I haven’t done anything to deserve this.”

Miss Tiru, along with her neighbour Jeanette Law, is now appealing for anyone who saw who is responsible for the attacks to come forward.

Ms Law said: “Someone must have seen something.

"The first incident took place in the day, sometime between 3pm and 7pm.

“We want information, someone to come forward to the police.”

A police spokesman said: “Kent Police is aware of all the incidents and are following all reasonable lines of inquiry.

“Anyone with information about who is responsible is asked to contact Kent Police on 101 quoting crime ref: ZY/1452/15.

"Alternatively, if you have information but would prefer to remain anonymous please call Kent Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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