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Obese driver Linda Jenns jailed after dangerous driving killed jogger Paul Stinton

By: Paul Hooper

Published: 11:00, 22 June 2015

Updated: 11:45, 22 June 2015

The Ashford driver who ran a red light and killed a jogger was today jailed for two and a half years.

Linda Jenns – who a court was told weighs more than 30 stone – was convicted of causing the death of Ashford man Paul Stinton, 45, by driving dangerously.

Her barrister had claimed Jenns, 49, of Richborough Way, Ashford might not survive her time behind bars due to her weight.

Linda Jenns pictured at the scene of the accident

But Judge Heather Norton told Jenns: “You were driving too fast for the wet conditions and you jumped the lights.”

Father-of-four Mr Stinton died from his injuries after Jenn’s vehicle struck him as he crossed at a pedestrian crossing.


The jury at Canterbury Crown Court heard how Jenns had been driving with her mother and nephew along Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford last year.

Ian Bridge, defending, claimed that since the conviction – when he used his client’s weight problem as part of his mitigation - Jenns had been subjected to “the modern-day equivalent of the stocks”.

Linda Jenns was jailed for two-and-a-half years

He claimed that some online reports had attracted more than 2,500 comments “many of which were vile.”

Mr Bridge added: “It is almost as if being grossly overweight is regarded in certain parts of the Press as being the modern-day equivalent to leprosy as described in the New Testament.”

The defence barrister claimed that one of her relatives had to be taken out of school after allegations of bullying which followed the conviction.

He said that Jenns, who pleaded not guilty to causing Mr Stinton’s death by driving dangerously, was “very, very, very sorry for what happened.”

Mr Bridge suggested that Mr Stinton – whose fiancé Ulrika Wernmark sat in the public gallery- had crossed against a red pedestrian light.


But the judge rejected that telling Jenns: “Mr Stinton’s actions did not contribute significantly to the likelihood of a collision.

Jogger Paul Stinton died after he was hit by a car in Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford

“The collision came about because you drove through a red light. It is that simple.”

The judge also read Victim Impact Statements from the mother of the victim’s four children, Amanda Stinton and his fiancée.

Ms Wernark said that instead of preparing for a wedding she found herself preparing for Mr Stinton’s funeral.

After Jenns was taken away to start her sentence, the judge spoke directly to the fiancee saying she offered the court’s and her personal sympathy for his tragic death.

Unusually Jenns had been allowed to enter the crown court through a side door rather than the public entrance after an application from her lawyers.

Mr Bridge had earlier pleaded with the judge not to jail the “morbidly obese” because she couldn’t cope with life behind bars.

Emergency services at the scene of the accident in Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford

He said she had a stroke seven years ago and at the time of the crash was receiving treatment for her weight problem.

Mr Bridge said she had lost between five and six stone and was hoping for a gastric band to be fitted which would have increased her life expectancy quite dramatically.

“As it is she is grossly overweight, morbidly obese and since the incident has put on even more weight.

She is a person for whom a prison sentence would be extraordinarily difficult and I don’t think I exaggerate when I say she might not get through it.”

The jury had heard evidence from a number of motorists and shoppers waiting near a retail park in Simone Weil Avenue on a wet winter’s day in January 2014.

The prosecution said the white Ford Kuga car driven by Jenns had followed a van through the lights at speed.

The father of four died in hospital three weeks after the collision

Mr Stinton was taken to hospital by Air Ambulance suffering from head, chest, neck and abdominal injuries and died three weeks later.

Speaking after the sentencing, investigating officer PC David Jeeves, of Kent Police Serious Collision Investigation Unit said: "This tragic collision happened at a busy set of traffic lights.

"Drivers need to be aware of the changing traffic lights and drive at a speed appropriate to the conditions."

Jenns also received a four-year driving ban, and will have to take a test again to get her licence back.

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