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Kent GCSE results: students in Ashford, Tenterden and Romney Marsh receive their results today

By: Rhys Griffiths

Published: 06:00, 12 August 2021

Updated: 09:23, 16 August 2021

For a second successive year, pupils across the country are receiving their results after exams were cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Students at schools in Ashford, Tenterden and Romney Marsh will today discover their GCSE grades determined by their teachers, rather than exams, assessed on what they have been taught during the year.

Students at Ashford School on results day

Ofqual interim chief regulator Simon Lebus told the BBC that the watchdog wanted to create a system where every student was given a fair chance to show what they can do.

“I’m very confident that, when they get their grades on Tuesday and Thursday this week, they’ll be able to feel satisfied that that’s happened,” he told the broadcaster.

We will be updated you with all the results from schools across Ashford, Tenterden and Romney Marsh as we get them today.


Wye School

Wye School claimed many individual highlights in the GCSEs today, with many of their Year 11s preparing to return to the school in Sixth Form.

Yomna Mohamed got five grade 9's

Standout performers included Yomna Mohamed, who was awarded five Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and a Grade 6.

Ms Mohamed said: “I am very happy with my grades. The environment at Wye School helped push me and support me to succeed. Teachers and other students were very helpful. I now feel prepared for Sixth Form and hopefully then Medicine.”

She was joined among the top performers by Joshua Salmon, who was awarded five Grade 9s, two Grade 8s and two Grade 7s; and Gabriel Pery, who was awarded two Grade 9s, six Grade 8s and a Grade 7.

Commenting on the day, Principal Luke Magee said: “Every student receiving GCSE grades today across the country has had a tough 18 months but we are very pleased that our students have adapted so quickly and so brilliantly to home and blended learning as required during the pandemic.

"Our students have shown huge resilience and have remained committed to their studies throughout what has been a challenging time.

Josh Salmon and Faith Copping at Wye School results day

"Today is an opportunity to congratulate students on the significant progress they have made since Year 7, knowing that they are well prepared to move onto the next stage of their education.


"It is fantastic to know that many students will be returning to us in September to channel their dedication into their A Levels – we very much look forward to welcoming them back.”

Benenden School

Headmistress Samantha Price said: “Many congratulations to this year’s Upper Fifth who have achieved some excellent results – both collectively and on an individual basis, with every pupil fulfilling her potential.

“Nationally, there is some understandable controversy around the awarding of grades this year, and this was always going to be the case, but I would like to reassure our students that they have thoroughly earned their GCSE results. They have worked exceptionally hard in extraordinary circumstances and I have been very impressed at their commitment and determination.

Caitlin Chiu and Carlotta Wright achieved 22 Level 9 grades between them at Benenden school

“They have certainly been helped by the fact that we were in the fortunate position of being able to continue with every lesson throughout the pandemic thanks to our teachers’ wonderful efforts to provide online learning, and as a school we are very proud of this achievement.

“I would like to thank everyone – staff, pupils and parents – who has been involved in this very successful set of results.”

The school's top performer was Scarlett Mansfield, who achieved a clean sweep of 13 Level 9 grades – the highest available. Five other girls achieved 12 straight Level 9s, while five more earned at least ten Level 9 grades.

Ashford School

Headmaster Michael Hall said that Ashford School is "extremely proud of our Year 11 students who have performed very well.

Molly Hutchinson recieved eight grade 9's and one grade 8

"They have had a challenging year and despite this, their results show that they remained committed to their studies".

One standout result, with more to come in, was Molly Hutchinson achieving nine 9s and one 8.

The John Wallis Academy

Pupils at the John Wallis have been counting "fantastic" results, with the school achiving 72 grade 9s overall.

Mr McBeath, Principal, praised both students and staff for their hard work and effort.

Daniyaal Dar achieved seven grade 9s

“I would like to congratulate our Year 11 students on their fantastic achievement this year. Their hard work, commitment and effort has resulted in an exceptional set of GCSE results," he said.

"This cohort have shown a level of commitment and resilience that will prepare them well for Sixth Form, further education or a vocation of their choice.

Through the exceptional commitment of our teachers, we managed to deliver a full timetable through online learning which maintained the levels of education and study our students needed.

Today, the students and staff should celebrate. We are exceptionally proud of everything they have achieved.”

Standout students include Daniyaal Dar, with seven grade 9s, Beth Oliver with five, and the joint highest points in the year group (83 Pts), Rosie Caldwell (also five) and Adla Adu-Nsiah, with four.

Homewood School's Alesha, Nikita and Lily-Mae with their results

Homewood school

Principal Jeremy Single said: “Following another very difficult period of time for everyone, I am extremely pleased that we were able to welcome our Year 11 students back to school today and to offer them our congratulations, as well as to help confirm their future pathways.

"For the vast majority, this will be taking up a well-deserved place in Homewood’s very successful Sixth Form Centre.”

" I am extremely proud of all of the students’ achievements and very grateful to our staff for the hard work they have put in over the past five years to achieve such success.

"I wish all of our Year 11 students the very best of luck for their future studies. I would also like to thank parents and carers once again for their continued support of the school, particularly so during the past 18 months.”

Highworth's Lucy Chitham, Abigail Robers, Angie Kambang and Meloni Chhantyal


Headteacher, Paul Danielsen, said: "I am very proud of our students who have all worked extremely hard to achieve very impressive results this year.

"It has been another challenging academic year but students and staff have worked hard together with great commitment and effort.

"The success is thoroughly deserved and will allow our students to continue with their lifelong learning".

North School

The North School Headteacher, Anna Lawrence, said: “We are very proud of all the work and achievements of our students, especially after such an extraordinary and disrupted year.

"Students worked closely with staff and supported each other throughout the very challenging year. They have demonstrated outstanding resilience, flexibility and an endless supply of self-motivation.

"We are delighted to see the vast majority of our year 11 students continuing their studies in the thriving North School 6th Form. Well done to everyone!"

Marsh Academy

There were cheers and (happy) tears at the Marsh Academy when pupils received their results.

Principal Shaun Simmons commented: “Today, our students, their families, and our staff should celebrate the excellent results achieved.

"There has been no other year like it but the hard work and commitment of both, students, and staff, has ensured that our students can now continue to their next steps in education or employment fully prepared and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities which are in front of them. We are pleased that so many will return to us as Post-16 students in September.”

Towers School

Principal Richard Billings was quick to praise the hard work, tenacity and effort of the Year 11 students and their teachers.

"After what has been a hugely challenging time for our community, we are delighted with the grades our students have achieved," he added.

"These amazing results are well deserved, achieved against the odds and really demonstrate what a resilient group of students can do with the right support from home and school working together."

Read more: All the latest news from Ashford

Read more: All the latest news from Tenterden

Read more: All the latest news from Romney Marsh

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