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Kent MPs have rounded on the French authorities for failing to crack down on the growing numbers of refugees gathering in Calais in the hope of reaching the UK.
Dover MP Gwyn Prosser said he was concerned the French authorities appeared unwillling to take firmer action over the unofficial camp that is continuing to draw hundreds of refugees.
The authorities are proposing a welfare centre for about 500 refugees, a move triggering concerns it could draw many more hoping to get to the UK.
Meanwhile, shadow immigration minister and Ashford MP Damian Green accused his Government counterpart of being deluded after claiming the large numbers gathered in Calais were an indicator of the success of its tougher measures. Immigration minister Phil Woolas has insisted more were being locked out than were able to get in.
Mr Prosser denied the situation was becoming as serious as when the Sangatte camp was closed eight years ago to stem the influx of migrants.
“It is not on a par with Sangatte, the numbers are nowhere near. The checks then were unsophisticated and we had no border controls on the French side. But I do not think the French are doing enough. I do not blame them for putting in some basic facilities - whatever their motives are, they are living in absolute squalor - but why are they not trying to return them to their country of origin? They should be making a bold statement that ensures they know that even if they get to the UK, they will be denied asylum and returned swiftly” he said.
Ashford MP Damian Green said he was concerned any welfare facilities would only serve to attract more refugees.
“What is now a few hundred people would turn into several thousand if it was known the French authorities were providing help. So it will create not just more illegal immigration but more misery for some of those involved. If we had proper border controls, none or very few would get across,” he said.
By permitting welfare facilities, the French were sending a “clear message” to would-be migrants that they might get across, he added.
“Phil Woolas is deluded if he thinks the policies are locking more people out,” he said.