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Calls for more signs around Sevington Inland Border Facility in Ashford as lorries continue to damage homes

Frustrated residents say more signs are still needed around a huge border site as lost lorry drivers continue to damage their homes.

HGVs have knocked down fences and churned up grass verges since Sevington Inland Border Facility (IBF) opened in 2020.

Lost lorry drivers are seen on a daily basis in Church Road and Cheeseman’s Green Lane while trying to find Sevington Inland Border Facility
Lost lorry drivers are seen on a daily basis in Church Road and Cheeseman’s Green Lane while trying to find Sevington Inland Border Facility

The main entrance to the 230-acre site in Ashford is off the A2070, but sat-navs often take drivers to the staff entrance at the rear of the facility in Church Road, which is unsuitable for trucks.

In December 2020, a 56-year-old from Romania died in nearby Cheeseman’s Green Lane when two lorries got stuck at a narrow railway bridge in the road.

He tried to help the drivers out of the situation when he became pinned between a wall and a lorry.

The IBF, which checks goods going in and out of the UK, was initially only supposed to be a temporary facility with planning permission set to expire in December this year.

But the government is now seeking full planning permission, and an application to extend its use is due to be submitted to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) by the Department for Transport (DfT).

HGV drivers have been getting lost trying to find Sevington Inland Border Facility next to Junction 10a of the M20; residents say many end up in Church Road
HGV drivers have been getting lost trying to find Sevington Inland Border Facility next to Junction 10a of the M20; residents say many end up in Church Road

But Cllr Paul Bartlett (Con), who lives in Cheeseman's Green Lane, says a permanent solution to stop the lorries needs to be found before permission can be granted.

“The biggest issue for residents in Sevington is that lorry drivers try to access the IBF through the staff entrance rather than the main entrance on the A2070,” he explained.

“The lane leading to the staff entrance is completely unsuitable for HGVs and there isn't sufficient signage from the A2070 which advises HGV drivers that this isn't the correct entrance.

“There's a sign saying Sevington Church but it gets interpreted by drivers as Sevington IBF when English is not their first language.

“Kent County Council has put up some signs saying ‘unsuitable for HGVs’ but it's not dissuading drivers from trying to get to the front of the queue by going in the staff entrance.

Cllr Bartlett says there is now an “opportunity to do something” about the issue as the bid for full planning permission is considered.

“The DfT has to put in a new planning application for permanent use and therefore ABC has control of that,” he said.

“I'm very keen that we promote conditions in order to prevent irregular access by HGVs and I'm confident that my colleagues will support me on that.

“My own fence has been destroyed by HGVs going into it and I know I’m not the only person who has the same problem.

“It's down to the DfT now to be good corporate citizens and ensure there is correct signage which stops lorries accessing these country lanes.”

Cllr Paul Bartlett has had his fence knocked down by a HGV
Cllr Paul Bartlett has had his fence knocked down by a HGV
The Sevington Inland Border Facility covers 230 acres. Picture: Kanda Consulting
The Sevington Inland Border Facility covers 230 acres. Picture: Kanda Consulting

Cllr Bartlett, ward councillor for Mersham, Sevington South with Finberry, says lorry drivers are getting lost on a daily basis.

But it is not just Sevington that has seen issues as drivers also get stuck in the neighbouring village of Mersham.

Resident Linda Arthur says “errant lorries” are a particular problem in Kingsford Street.

“Because it's become a cul-de-sac, we also have lots of people walking dogs, children in prams, horse riders and cyclists so it's become a bit of a danger to pedestrians,” she explained.

“These lorries are enormous and take up all the road and there's no pavement.

“And they're still coming down, despite more permanent signage on the A20.

Cllr Paul Bartlett says more signs are needed in the area
Cllr Paul Bartlett says more signs are needed in the area
HGVs have nowhere to go once they have reached the staff entrance off Church Road
HGVs have nowhere to go once they have reached the staff entrance off Church Road
Lorries have been damaging properties in the narrow lanes around Sevington Inland Border Facility
Lorries have been damaging properties in the narrow lanes around Sevington Inland Border Facility

“People are either ignoring it or don’t see it in time and are still following sat navs which indicate they can get down Kingsford Street which they can’t.

“Before they actually have final planning permission granted, they do need to somehow address this problem.

“We were also promised permanent signs at the entrance to Kingsford Street saying no access for HGVs, but they have not supplied us with any permanent signs.

In a statement, a DfT spokesman said it “understands the frustration of residents in Sevington experiencing disruption caused by HGVs in their area”.

“We’re working with KCC on ways to address these concerns, including reviewing signage to reduce confusion for drivers and prevent HGVs from using unsuitable roads,” they added.

Mersham resident Linda Arthur says “errant lorries” are a particular problem in Kingsford Street
Mersham resident Linda Arthur says “errant lorries” are a particular problem in Kingsford Street
Lorries have been getting lost and stuck in Mersham for years since the IBF opened. Picture: Rupert Collingwood
Lorries have been getting lost and stuck in Mersham for years since the IBF opened. Picture: Rupert Collingwood

Last month, Jeremy Clarkson became stuck for hours at the IBF while waiting for paperwork to be signed at the site, which has space for 1,700 lorries.

The TV presenter stopped there on his way to the Netherlands to film Clarkson’s Farm, his hit Prime Video series.

He said he and his crew, including farm manager Kaleb Cooper, were forced to wait “for someone in a cabin to stamp our form” as they had to check filming equipment out of the UK.

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