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A council leader has ticked off the Government, saying "headline soundbites from Whitehall are not at all helpful."
An inquest has heard of the mental health struggles of a transgender teenager and will consider if he got enough help from the NHS.
The newly appointed leader David Burton has moved swiftly to take charge at Maidstone.
Exhausted hospital staff are now able to make use of new technology to grab a power nap on breaks or a sleep at the end of their shift.
We recall the time thousands attended Kent's Festival of Europe, complete with celebs and lookalike politicians.
There's heavy traffic on the A26 tonight after an accident.
A pub landlord has warned businesses to check details on pre-paid envelopes after a battle over his rates caused by, he says, an incorrect address.
A girl who was hit by a car on a main road has been taken to hospital.
A 37-year-old has been locked up for head butting a police officer and hurling racial abuse at a hospital doctor trying to treat him.
For £650 a month you can live in a former Kent Messenger office.
A much-respected former grammar school headmaster who was in the role for more than 30 years has died.
Wives and children of service veterans involved in Britain's H-bomb tests are invited to take part in a new health study.
The story of a homeless man refused permission to take pets into his new-found accommodation is now the subject of academic study.
Roger is revved up and raring to go after his long wait.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has urged people to 'pray for the holy land and reject violence'.
Pothole repair work will result in a long diversion for motorists for the next 10 days.
A school's expansion will offer specialist help to more pupils who find life in large classrooms too tough and have battled with their GCSEs.
A landowner described his appearance in court over a planning breach with Tunbridge Wells council as 'the story of my life.'
The family of a man who was found dead in his shed said they don't know why he took his own life.
A family caravan business has re-opened after lockdown with a third generation now in charge.