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A key commuter tunnel was forced to close due to concerns for a woman’s safety.
Detailed plans have been revealed for a £250m upgrade to a major route, ranked the second worst A road in the county for delays and accidents.
There is disappointment at the lack of progress in reducing speed limits on a key route.
Kent County Council has been given a £23 million government grant to support bus services across the county.
Councillors who voted to refuse housing plans for an orchard were stopped from making the decision.
A council has granted itself permission to build two more blocks of flats in a bid to ease the housing shortage.
The county council has been urged to look north for inspiration to end a six-year deadlock on a much-needed junction improvement.
Police have arrested four people and seized £20,000 of cigarettes and vapes in a crackdown on the sale of illegal products.
An Indian takeaway will expand and takeover a village funeral parlour as it seeks to meet demand for food orders online.
Football can resume on a school’s new £700,000 3G sports pitch after a council lifted its whistle ban.
A care home where inspectors saw residents with greasy hair and new staff were often “thrown in at the deep end” has been placed in special measures.
A school has been unable to use its new £700k sports pitch – after falling foul of a ban on noise from referees’ whistles.
The Army had to be called in after a father and son dredged up a Second World War hand grenade and took it home before realising what it was.
A water company says residents of one borough could be hit by low supplies after a number of bursts and leaks.
A country pub set in three acres is up for sale after the landlord retired.
Pledges to install nature-friendly features at new estates are being broken - but one Kent council has been praised for doing something about it.
A disabled pensioner has been forced to flee a new housing association home he moved to after a large chunk of the mouldy ceiling caved in on him.
A borough is set to spend more on cleaning toilets and recycling. but expects to lose out on revenue from cremations as it sets its next budget.
Controversial plans for a housing estate are set to be decided after an investigation into whether it would harm a nearby Conservation Area.
A councillor has called for more to be done to promote a new hospital shuttle bus.