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A motorcyclist has been taken to hospital following a crash.
Traffic is queuing on a motorway after a collision between a car and a lorry.
People living at a mobile home park say changes to the way an entrance barrier is operated will make it hard for them to receive their deliveries.
A man has been charged after a police officer was seriously injured in a motorbike crash.
Fire crews were called to reports of a kitchen fire in a flat.
Police officers have sent messages of support to a colleague who was seriously injured after trying to stop a stolen motorbike.
An open-air, multi-sport centre's freehold has been put up for auction.
A prolific burglar has been jailed after 17 premises were targeted during a five-month crime spree.
Business partners from Kent tried to get financial backing for their annual festival - but did they impress the Dragon's?
Two drug dealers have been jailed after thousands of vials of steroids and large amounts of cocaine were found at their home.
Various luxury items have been confiscated by police from a man following a road-rage incident.
Tributes have been pouring in for a much-loved teacher who has been likened to a celebrity in the town he worked by former pupils.
A 100-year-old great-great-grandmother has met the first girl to be born in her family for 75 years.
Registrations for electric cars increase as drivers steer away from petrol and diesel vehicles.
Southern Water has achieved the highest ever ratings for beach bathing water quality.
A French bulldog that disappeared from a family's back garden has been found a year later.
A 31-year-old has been charged following three incidents on the same day including assault and attempted robbery.
Swans have been discovered beheaded and foxes shot at a lake by a Kent animal rescuer in a spate of harrowing cruelty against wildlife.
A charity has offered to pay for the remaining funds so a one-year-old can have her life-changing heart operation.
A road safety operation sees multiple vehicles stopped and one man arrested on suspicion of driving while on drugs.