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Three mums who have lost their sons to suicide in the past four years have bravely come together to try and make a lasting difference.
The family of a long-serving ward councillor and town mayor have paid tribute to their dad who was a “man of the community”.
A woman has been charged with attempted murder after it is alleged she intentionally struck a pedestrian on a roundabout.
Plans to expand a dental surgery to meet the growing demand for more NHS slots and relieve backlogs have been approved.
The owners of an independent music shop have announced it will be closing after seeing a steady decline in trade over several years.
The owners of a popular takeaway which has been in a village for almost 40 years are calling it quits after struggling to keep it financially viable.
The landlord of a now-closed pub says he is not willing to give up his home after permission to convert the boozer into a house was refused.
A suspected burglar was arrested at Heathrow after being denied entry to Canada in connection to a Kent break-in.
A man has been taken to hospital after being hit by a car on a busy roundabout in the early hours.
The husband of a professional event rider has paid tribute to his “strong, beautiful and phenomenal” wife following her death in a riding accident.
A main road has reopened after a lorry crashed and overturned near a railway bridge leading to traffic “carnage”.
The new operators of a historic market have announced it will launch augmented reality darts and a cocktail bar and deli as work inside continues.
Drivers are being warned to plan ahead as a month of overnight road closures are announced on a busy river crossing between Kent and Essex.
A busy main route is due to be closed for around seven days due to emergency power works.
A temporary community diagnostic centre has been officially opened in a bid to cut NHS waiting times.
A former Kent footballer says he is looking to settle down as he enters this year’s Love Island villa.
Residents claim their public transport options are not good enough to support their growing villages.
The founders of a charity and festival set up in memory of a murdered student look back at its success.
An MP has urged women to go to their mammogram appointments following her breast cancer diagnosis and battle.
A secondary school has confirmed an email containing data about its students was sent out “inadvertently”.