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An investigation has been launched after a boy was taken to hospital.
More than 100,000 students are attempting to take their universities to court for compensation over disrupted learning.
A pub company is searching for new landlords to run a town boozer so it can remain as the heart of the community.
A man has been charged following reports someone was performing an indecent act in a town centre.
A man has been taken to hospital following a crash involving two lorries on the motorway.
Witnesses of a mass brawl in a town centre which resulted in a woman being hurt and three arrests are being urged to come forward.
A man has been charged on suspicion of several burglaries and thefts targeting agricultural equipment at farms.
A former Met police officer has been found guilty of gross misconduct after she failed to properly investigate Wayne Couzens.
The airline has been criticised after the players were left stranded and now have to travel almost 80 miles to another country to get a flight.
Watch the moment a kestrel which was found and rescued by school children is released into the wild.
The force has said it will be increasing its police patrols in a town centre following multiple crimes including stabbings.
There’s a major police presence in a town after reports of two stabbings just a mile apart
Police officers are seeking information after a man was seen exposing himself near a playground.
A new pop-up shop has opened at Bluewater where shoppers can buy designer and vintage clothes from as little as £5.
Images have been released of two men council enforcement officers would like to speak to in connection with a suspected fly-tipping incident.
A fuming resident say his local park has been left to grow “out of control” – comparing it to sci-fi show The Day of the Triffids.
A 10-year-old boy has been unable to secure a space at a special school after moving to the county due to capacity issues.
Funding has been secured to create a new community diagnostic centre at a local hospital as part of a government scheme to reduce NHS wait times.
A 19-year-old has been charged with assisting a suspect following the death of a teenager.
Teachers are reporting seeing massive changes in the way children behave, learn and develop since returning to school from the pandemic.