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A man has been arrested after police were called to a rugby match.
An inquest into the death of a 37-year-old man who fell from height into the path of oncoming motorway traffic has concluded.
The A&E department at Kent’s biggest hospital is one of 500 services nationwide waiting long-term for important reports from the health watchdog.
A new tenant has been chosen to take on a former nightclub which closed suddenly almost a year ago.
Multi-million pound funding has been secured to help build a new medical centre which would serve tens of thousands of patients.
A discount store boss has told of the moment he raced back to his shop after learning his lorry filled with £25,000 worth of stock was ablaze.
A family and dog friendly pub is looking for a new landlord or lady to take over the reins when it reopens after a major refurbishment project.
If you loved the original blockbuster film, the stage adaptation breathes new life into a timeless love story.
A primary school has been rated “good” across the board by education watchdogs.
A woman’s body was found near a shopping centre following concerns for her welfare.
Police officers have shut down a large cannabis cultivation after discovering around 500 plants in a building.
Controversial plans to station two mobile homes on green belt land have been rejected despite the decision “interfering with human rights”.
Tears were shed as hundreds of people flocked to a famous dog racing track for its last-ever meet, bringing to a close its near 40-year tenure.
The owners of a countryside holiday let have revealed plans to expand the business in the hopes of bringing something new to the area.
A man has been arrested as police officers investigate a suspected arson which saw a lorry become engulfed by flames.
Police investigating an alleged nightclub assault which left a man with serious facial injuries have made an arrest.
A blueprint has been drawn up to repurpose an abandoned pub that has fallen into disrepair - but not everyone is happy with the new suggested use.
Villagers have welcomed the news plans for a 10-acre energy storage plant have been rejected but fear more applications will come.
Hundreds of fly-tipping offences have been recorded at a supermarket despite the site being just two miles from a recycling centre.
The owners of an iconic dog racing track have confirmed the date its track will be closing following a consultation period with staff.