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Now the dust has settled, the pros and cons are emerging of measures like the lifetime ISA.
The theory is banks will be more likely to lend funds to businesses and consumers but will introducing negative interest rates do that in practice?
Build-to-rent schemes are set to become a growing phenomenon as we shift from a nation of homeowners to renters.
New measures to curb buy-to-let landlords will push owning a home further out of the reach of first-time buyers, says a housing expert.
Help to get first-time buyers onto the property ladder is always welcome so the announcement of a Help to Buy ISA in the budget is certainly good news
The process of arranging a new mortgage or re-mortgaging is up there with a trip to the dentist in terms of attractiveness
With interest rates so low at the moment, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of introductory offers when looking at where to save your cash.
Concerns the UK property market may be at risk of overheating prompted the Bank of England governor to announce measures to limit 'risky mortgages''