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As you're swigging your favourite festive beer, have you ever wondered how they make it taste so good? We visited Britain's oldest brewer to find out.
A popular boozer has reopened with a new face behind the bar after the death of the landlord last month.
A man who has lived in a tent in a children's play park for more than two years will spend Christmas in prison.
Fire crews, paramedics and police were called to the scene of an accident on a busy stretch of the A2.
A 16-year-old who died after being struck by a train has been described as a "gentle, kind, giving and caring person".
An intrepid cat labelled a "local celebrity", who often disappears for a week at a time, has turned up more than 50 miles away in London.
Residents were warned to keep windows and doors closed as firefighters tackled a barn fire, which sent plumes of black smoke into the sky.
Crooks posing as water company workers dug up every single paving slab of a pensioner's front garden, loaded them into a lorry and drove off.
Firefighters tried in vain to revive a dog pulled from a burning home today.
Shepherd Neame's brewing up a treat - for fans of its historic Grade II listed building.
A Great British Bake Off semi-finalist who lives in Kent will return to the iconic tent for the BBC's final two episodes.
Two men were arrested on suspicion of burglary at a chemist in the early hours of this morning.
The air ambulance has been called to an accident outside a railway station this afternoon.
An infamous vandal broke his curfew when prankster friends cut off his electronic tag after he drunk himself unconscious at a party.
There is just 24 hours to support a crowdfunding campaign raising cash for a revolutionary way to help parents achieve a work life balance.
Two sets of traffic light brought the market town to a complete standstill during rush hour this morning - and it could continue for another week.
Police were called to a roadside hotel after a woman was found inside.
A man has been cut free from the wreckage of a van which had flipped on to its side after an accident.
Footage of a Kent footballer flipping over on the pitch has had more than 600,000 views and been featured on a number of viral video sites.
A father missing for almost two weeks has returned to his Kent home.