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New city centre routes for cyclists, said to pit bikers against pedestrians, have been blasted by residents and a campaign group.
Police have renewed an appeal with new images to help trace a man who went missing in Kent.
A cyclist found seriously injured by the roadside has sparked an investigation into whether any other vehicles were involved.
A fast food giant has revealed plans to create more than 100 jobs in Kent.
A landlady in a Kent town heavily populated by Airbnbs and second homes has been praised for vowing to rent to local families only.
A Kent MP has reached the summit of Africa’s tallest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, as part of a fundraiser for a breast cancer charity.
The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has suggested Kent creates its own scrappage scheme to help people with the Ulez expansion.
A popular micropub will be closing at the end of the month.
A man who tried to flee across the Channel in a dinghy after stabbing a 15-year-old boy to death has been jailed for life.
A weather warning for heavy showers and thunderstorms has been issued for Kent, with up to 25mm of rain set to fall within an hour.
A busy dual carriageway remains closed after a lorry fire, to allow specialist recovery work to be carried out.
A post office based at a garage was forced to shut after alleged theives smashed in and swiped cigarettes from behind the counter.
Police have launched an investigation after two sheep were stolen from a field and another found with its legs tied up.
A children’s playground where equipment has again been targeted by vandals will cost taxpayers another £20,000 to repair.
A cleaner being trapped by a gang of yobs and a spate of arson attempts has forced a council to close three toilets early.
Seething residents say “there is always an excuse” after Southern Water blamed heavy rainfall on 19 sewage releases near a town in a month.
Bathers have been told not to enter the sea at two Kent beaches due to a risk of pollution following recent bad weather.
A CCTV image has been released after a boy was robbed by a man.
Conor McGregor has joined a host of famous faces, including Queen Elizabeth II and Boris Johnson, to have been beamed on the White Cliffs.
The Proclaimers have cancelled a concert in Kent this weekend.
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