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A senior city councillor is among a number of frustrated residents refusing to pay their Southern Water bills amid the ongoing sewage scandal.
A man has died after he was taken to hospital following a serious crash.
Emergency services were called after a serious crash which led to a man being taken to hospital.
A woman has told how people were left trapped in their homes for almost two hours after a pair of reckless yobs launched fireworks in the street.
Train services were delayed after a lorry hit a railway bridge.
A terminally-ill man was helped down his steps by the fire service as he left his house for only the second time since the Covid pandemic struck.
Police have interviewed a man and seized a weapon after a heron was shot dead from the sky.
The wife of a boss who runs a popular Indian takeaway has launched her own restaurant a few doors down from his.
A landlady who says her staff must be vaccinated has defended her stance after a former worker claims he felt pressured into having the jab.
A gang wearing balaclavas stormed into a home and threatened residents with a knife – before swiping a bag and cash.
Controversial oyster trestles erected on a town's coastline have been granted planning permission following a public inquiry.
Aerial images have revealed the size of a huge sinkhole which opened up this week.
Police are attempting to establish if a woman was assaulted during an altercation in a car park, or whether there has been a misunderstanding.
Organisers of a campaign to boycott nightclubs after a spate of spiking reports have changed its name after complaints it was 'not inclusive enough'.
Police officers called to a housing estate encountered the remains of a cannabis-growing operation.
Police have circulated a CCTV image of a man they want to identify after a woman was sexually assaulted by a stranger in a residential street.
Garden centre bosses have been left reeling after the popular site was the victim of a late-night raid.
A man who vanished and was last seen near a popular shopping centre has now been found, police confirm.
Witnesses have told how violence erupted in a four-man fight outside Iceland this morning.
A Co-op store was forced to close this morning after the branch was raided in the early hours.
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