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Trains have been delayed this morning due to a broken down train on the line.
Nature lovers in Kent are furious at a decision to introduce parking charges at a number of beauty spots across the county.
A man has been charged with carrying out a hate crime in a high street.
Motorists have been warned to expect delays along a busy road as engineers fix a leak.
An exit off a major road has been shut because of a collapsed drain gully.
A resident has been captured skiing down a hill near a popular seafront following the heavy snow downfall overnight.
A musical Kent family who went viral at the start of the pandemic have released a new song which has already won widespread plaudits.
Ben Shephard was left stunned by a Kent teenager's impressive performance on TV show Tipping Point.
A person has been found dead on a railway line following reports of someone on the tracks.
Emergency services have been called to a serious incident on a railway line, which is causing travel disruption.
Travellers who pitched up in a council car park have been accused of flouting Covid rules by moving around during lockdown.
Touching tributes have been paid to a nine-year-old girl following her death from a rare brain cancer.
A controversial plan to reduce free parking for Blue Badge holders has been branded 'cruel and discriminatory'.
Business owners have been left 'horrified' by calls for them to reopen by anti-lockdown campaigners.
A Kent MP has clashed with a council leader over claims Covid relief grants are not being paid to struggling businesses quickly enough.
Police have released a new CCTV image after a bus driver was attacked through his window.
A landlord's children feature in a striking new design which has been sprayed on his pub in support of frontline workers.
Residents have been left all shook up after Elvis reappeared at a vacant home which became an iconic landmark thanks to a poster of him.
Plans to open a 26-mile coastal path which will link two towns and connect to a 2,700-mile project have been given the go-ahead.
Parcels could soon be delivered to homes by a fleet of electric vans and bikes operating out of special hubs on the edge of town.
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