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Crowds lined the streets to bid farewell to a local legend known for leading his town’s carnival procession.
Three men have been charged after police raided a cannabis farm on an industrial estate estimated to be worth more than £1 million.
Detectives are hunting a man after a woman was attacked in an attempted robbery.
An alarming video clip being investigated by police shows a young child with no seatbelt on crawling over the front passenger seat of a car.
WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES: A helpless duck killed in a suspected catapult attack was found lying dead next to her nine “stone cold” eggs.
A delicatessen owner has won a battle to sell alcohol from her shop - despite her landlord allegedly threatening to evict her over the plans.
Two nurseries have drastically improved in a matter of months after previously being hit with ‘inadequate’ Ofsted scores.
A trouble-hit university hopes an award-winning musician will prove “incredibly popular” in her new role as chancellor.
“Relentless” roadworks are making life a misery for motorists on a busy dual-carriageway and along a narrow lane used to bypass the queues.
A former soap star is among those calling on a council to reopen a playing field which residents have used for more than 100 years.
At least five people have died attempting to cross the Channel, according to reports.
A mum who endured cancer chemotherapy after being misdiagnosed with the disease says a hospital trust “has not learned from its mistakes”.
Police are hunting a suspect who reportedly slammed a blunt object into his victim’s head during a street attack.
Plans to host an outdoor cinema, Christmas market and live music at a £115 million leisure development have been unveiled.
A man has pleaded not guilty to the murder of a dad found fatally stabbed outside a village pub.
A supermarket chemist is set to shut after a fall in customer numbers.
An air ambulance landed near a retail park after being scrambled to a medical incident.
Two people were treated by paramedics after a blaze spread through a flat.
Two compounds full of stolen car parts have been found in Kent.
A much-loved youth worker who “inspired hundreds of young people” and ran a mobile mechanic business has died.
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