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A teenager who was stabbed in the heart has been named as police continue to appeal for information.
Drivers faced long tailbacks on the M20 due to resurfacing works after a crane hit a bridge.
Four fire engines were sent to a large blaze at a derelict building, which is believed to have been started deliberately.
A dad-of-three feared his family’s home had gone forever after a charging vape overheated and caused clothes to catch alight.
Several projects in the county have been given a major cash boost as part of a multi-million pound government fund.
Biffa workers have organised a charity football match for a baby who had to have open heart surgery at two days old.
More than half of the properties at a new development will be going to first-time buyers.
A rescue been ‘inundated’ with requests to rehome a soon-to-be-banned breed of dog, with some owners threatening drastic action.
Pre-constructed homes weighing 12 tonnes have been craned into a housing development which was formerly a private hospital.
An undertaker says he has “never seen such courtesy before” after his procession got stuck in gridlock.
A landlord is calling for police to get tough on anti-social drivers wreaking havoc on an industrial estate.
A pub has temporarily shut for four weeks of renovations.
An air ambulance and several emergency vehicles were sent to a town hosting a festival attended by thousands of people this weekend.
A severe thunderstorm warning has been released for the whole of Kent later today.
Three fire engines were sent to a store after an attached outbuilding went up in flames.
The Corps of Royal Engineers will take part in a parade through historic streets later today.
A humorous paint job for a “ridiculous” parking bay half the size of a car has confused residents.
Motorists faced traffic chaos as a result of multiple closures and roadworks.
A petition signed by hundreds of commuters has led to an increase in the number of trains running to London.
A celebrity chef who is set to open his second Kent restaurant will be holding a pop-up at a food festival.