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A mum-of-two says she is “blown away” by the support after her plea about Educational Health Care Plans went viral on social media.
Owners of an independent clothing shop based at a shopping centre marketplace have reflected on two decades of trading.
A car was spotted engulfed in flames on the side of an A-road, which sparked delays for drivers.
A court has granted an eviction notice served on a group of travellers who have pitched up on council-owned land.
An independent food store has unexpectedly shut and is the latest in a string of closures at a shopping centre.
Witnesses are being urged to come forward after a number of Second World War medals were stolen.
Officers have charged a suspect after he reportedly stole from and damaged several shop windows.
A council has announced who will be taking over a town centre building after a national gym brand announced it was leaving the site.
A man in his 20s is being treated in hospital after he was found with stab wounds following a suspected machete attack.
Drivers faced long queues due to a multi-vehicle crash on the M2.
Two men have been charged following a number of car park thefts, one involving an antique violin worth more than £10,000.
A bookstore which has been running for more than 17 years could be shutting down.
Tributes have been paid to “loving petrolhead” father-of-four after he died in a motorcycle crash while travelling to an enthusiasts’ event.
New landlords have renamed and spent £20,000 revamping a town pub with a view to restoring it to its glory days.
A new tenant is being lined up to fill a unit at an entertainment complex after the departure of the national gym brand at the end of the month.
The final results have been announced for Tonbridge and Malling and have left the council with no party in overall control.
A planning application has been submitted to turn a once popular restaurant into a residential home.
Angry motorists and residents are calling for a trial traffic scheme to be ditched less than a week after it was introduced.
A popular boozer which closed for a revamp is set to launch with new landlords and a new name.
Drivers were told to expect delays after an accident caused a busy road to close.
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