More on KentOnline
Two customs clearance specialists have opened an office in the county to help ease checks for imports and exports.
Meet the young pub boss who, along with his brother, is hoping to follow in the footsteps of Wetherspoon - but with micropubs.
A leading law firm says it is set to embark on 'ambitious organic growth' as it launches a new business plan.
The Bank of England has issued a discussion paper pondering the future of introducing a digital currency
A leading firm of estate agents in the county is spreading its wings with its latest acquisitions.
A major mobile network is upgrading coverage and speeds for two of the county's most popular tourist destinations.
Academics and other experts will take part in a free Zoom webinar for business leaders on how Kent tackles a looming digital skills shortage.
A survey has revealed residents of one Kent town have discovered a new found admiration for its retail heart.
A night at one of the county's most historic sites has secured top marks from tourism inspectors.
Women entrepreneurs in the county have got together to toast their survival and success during the Covid lockdowns.
One of the county's biggest bed retailers has changed hands as it looks to grow its market share.
Two of the county's M&S stores will be hiring youngsters on the government's Kickstart programme this summer.
A survey has revealed how many owner-managed businesses are walking a tight-rope due to the impact of the pandemic.
A partnership has been reached between a pub giant and cider maker meaning pubs across Kent will stock two new thirst-quenching drinks.
There are new owners and a new look for a popular village pub as it reopens for business including a £100,000 upgrade to its kitchen.
The Tourism Minister has paid a special visit to the county to back the recovery of the vital visitor economy.
From comets to eclipses, a look to the heavens has delivered some remarkable sights over the years.
A forum for private sector landlords takes place next month as the ban on evictions is lifted.
A fast-food outlet will be flying the flag for Kent in the British Takeaway Awards later this year after being shortlisted for the final.
A major investment has been made into a site acquired by a leading logistics firm.
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