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A holiday park which last year underwent a multi-million pound upgrade, has been given the AA’s highest campsite rating.
A list of Kent’s fastest growing companies returns for its 21st year in 2025 - here’s how your company can be included.
Kent has plenty to offer the tourist - and thousands of jobs rely on them. Now a plan has been hatched to tackle some of the negative perceptions.
A firm which specialises in crisps with a Kentish flavour has secured a new deal with a pub chain in the county.
One of the county’s major shopping centres has been snapped up just two months after going on the market for £25m.
As a decision on the Lower Thames Crossing is delayed again, why is it so expensive, will we have to pay a toll and where is the money coming from?
A decision on whether to build a new road crossing under the Thames will not be made until at least May 2025.
Our columnist rues the day pubs scrapped the post-lockdown table service option and asks who really enjoys ordering at the bar…
An expected decision on the controversial £9bn Lower Thames Crossing has been delayed yet again.
The new head at a £50,000-a-year boarding school reveals how it tackles social media and the proposed 20% hike in its fees.
Shepherd Neame continues to grow its bottom line - now it’s hoping the Chancellor does the right thing by the pub trade in the Budget this month.
A rail regulator has recommended a reduction in the cost to run trains on High Speed 1 which should see ticket prices cut.
A charitable trust has donated £300,000 to boost the technology available for those delivering digital skills training.
Bosses at Manston Airport have underlined their plans to ensure the site becomes a hub of local employment when it finally takes off again.
The future of the Lower Thames Crossing hangs in the balance as pressure grows on the government to scrap it ahead of a crunch decision this week.
A six-part TV drama which filmed in the county starts tonight with Game of Thrones star in lead role.
A double-gold winner will be officially starting a half-marathon in Kent today.
Our columnist suggests cash has become the vinyl record of the monetary world and even bank cards are now akin to outdated CDs.
After almost 400 jobs in Kent were lost in a single day, experts have explained why the county’s economy is well-placed to withstand the impact.
Talks are taking place which could see struggling restaurant chain TGI Fridays survive in the UK.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!