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Fraudsters are using increasingly elaborate scams to trick victims across Kent.
Consultant says plans currently out for consultation could see government fail to hit its own housing targets.
Shepherd Neame pub reopens with landlords from nearby village pub now in charge.
Chef will serve up a vegan menu in January at his seaside eatery.
A key business figure says companies in Kent are looking at Westminster in "utter dismay" after the Prime Minister delayed a vote on her Brexit deal.
Major four-year deal will see Wakefield-based firm handle electrical and mechanical maintenance issues at port.
Staff baked up treats as bank bucks national trend of closures.
Leading event will attract hundreds of business figures for a day of focused discussion.
Popular attraction has taken home a major award at regional tourism event.
Audrey Hepburn and Peter Cushing are among the stars of black and white films who lived in Kent.
Police chiefs meet with farmers on efforts to crack down on rural crime hitting businesses.
While many identify advantages, many fear for a difficult 12 months ahead for the economy as a result of Brexit.
More than 100 business figures gathered at the event, organised in collaboration with Kent Council Council and Kent Invicta Chamber.
Bus firm will see new regional MD in post in the spring of 2019.
Select committee reports calls for tighter regulations to prevent SMEs suffering due to late payments.
County's top tourist attractions battled in out in a public vote for the big prizes.
DIY chain, which has stores across county, will be focus on management efforts amid 'challenging' conditions.
Key role, which focus on economic regeneration, changes hands.
Two of the county's accountancy firms have confirmed they are to merge.
Tourism generates £3.6 billion in the local economy but there is a desperate need for places for people to stay.
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