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A powerful beer brewed to a Ukrainian recipe goes on sale this weekend at a popular festival - with proceeds going to help the war-torn nation.
A property contractor has strengthened its board as it set its sights on growth and a £1bn turnover target.
The number of people claiming benefits fell again last month - but rising inflation will hit many household budgets hard.
The operator of the Channel Tunnel has seen an enormous year-on-year growth for the month of March.
A holiday park giant, with parks across the county, has finally been taken over after a multi-million pound deal was finally approved.
A system introduced by HMRC following Brexit has crashed - adding time to checking lorries into our ports, compounding the chaos on our roads.
Tourism chiefs say the current gridlock on our roads is hitting popular destinations hard ahead of one of their busiest times of the year.
A firm has changed hands after years of gradual growth having been acquired by a company based in Cumbria.
Our reviewer headed to a fish and chip shop which has become a darling of the Instagram generation - but were his fears to be justified?
For a week, the county's roads have been at breaking point - but just what exactly is causing the issues and is the end in sight?
A poll of SMEs has revealed many remain anxious at rising costs - while just 4% say Brexit has had a positive impact on them.
Thousands of holidaymakers face problems getting back to Kent after it emerged P&O is unlikely to resume cross-Channel ferries until April 19.
A host of property issues for investors and developers will form the focus of debate at a special event taking place later this month.
In our special report into 5G masts, we look at whether NIMBYism is holding back communities from being better connected.
The company behind a major development has secured a £22m loan to deliver hundreds of new homes.
Ever fancied owning a vineyard and creating your own wine? Well if you can afford it, land for sale in the county could fulfil your dreams.
The boss of pub and brewery giant Shepherd Neame has admitted he feared the worst for the company during the pandemic-enforced lockdowns.
A major pub operator and beer brewer is back in the black after two gruelling years of Covid restrictions hitting its bottom line.
A leading brewery has penned a deal which will see fans of the Boat Race raise a glass to the competitors this weekend.
A key debate at a leading business event next month will focus on how firms can access funding towards a net zero future.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!