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A digital marketing firm is offering £10,000 worth of its services to one lucky winner to help them bounce back after the lockdown.
A week-long free online course takes place next week, offering advice and support on how to successfully launch your own business.
A major petition has been launched by a union amid fears Eurostar could collapse due to travel restrictions.
A leading construction firm has extended its sponsorship deal with Kent Cricket.
It's become the dominant strain of the virus in the UK and spreading around the world - taking our county's proud name with it.
The pandemic's impact on sales to pubs has forced one of the county's top winemakers to off-load its beers and brewery site.
The lockdown has seen sales soar for an online food delivery service - prompting a wealth manager in the county to say its future looks bright.
An independent report shines a light on the economic contribution of one of the nation's biggest telecom providers.
A charitable trust has sold a plot of land which will be turned into new homes on the edge of a village.
The new chair of the Kent branch of a leading business organisation has appointed five key figures.
Women should not turn their backs on an apprenticeship in engineering, one successful candidate explains during National Apprenticeship Week.
A key corporate sponsorship deal has been agreed as a club struggles against the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.
Three of the biggest high street fashion stores have been sold - and will move to online only.
Research has revealed the number of new firms being registered shot up during 2020.
A number of events will take place between February 8-14 to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week.
The Radio 1 Roadshow was synonymous with the summer and regularly visited Kent. We take a look back at its hey-day.
A survey conducted with dozens of local businesses has revealed confidence of a bounce back.
A micro-brewery is hoping sales of a new range of bottled beers will ease those missing the pub.
A deal to acquire three household fashion names will see all existing stores close.
A court has sentenced the killers of a teenager brutally chased and stabbed as he visited friends.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!