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Chances are you drive by a former workhouse every day - we take a look back at the grim reality for generations of the county's poorest people.
A major development, close to one of the county's most historic sites, has been unveiled with penthouses selling for £1m-plus.
A housing developer is looking at adding to 100 homes it is already building in one village.
One of the county's big employers warns that Covid restrictions will bite into its financial performance over the coming months.
One of the main cross-Channel operators says passenger traffic is down 43% for the first six months of the year.
A telecommunications giant is offering a special deal for start-ups and entrepreneurs as part of its support scheme.
A banking group has appointed a new ambassador for the region as it looks to bounce back following the pandemic.
Police have revealed why one of its helicopters was spotted hovering in the skies above a town on Saturday afternoon.
Police are investigating after a victim was sexually assaulted on a train from Kent to London.
Rail passengers are set for an increase to free WiFi allowances - with it doubling on some routes.
A debate among leading business figures paints a worrying picture for smaller firms as they attempt to recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Winemakers in the county are to get a boost after a £600,000 loan was secured to boost productivity.
An independent creative collective is named as an example of how community businesses can revive the fortunes of our high streets.
A graduation event for apprentices, due to be staged in a cathedral, will take place tomorrow online instead - and here's how you can watch it.
A distillery has landed a major contract to provide hand sanitiser during the health crisis.
After the lockdown postponed its official opening, clients can now visit a leading law firm's new office.
Just what happened to some of the county's most high profile politicians when they stepped down from the House of Commons? We find out...
One of the county's top networking events will be harnessing cutting-edge technology for 2021 to recreate the face-to-face experience.
A business expert has warned of the hidden costs to employers of Rishi Sunak's new support package.
A scheme designed to create much-needed office and industrial space in a town has take a giant stride forward.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!