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Three men have been sent to jail for their role in supplying drugs to one Kent town.
An historic building and former pub is set to be sold at auction next month.
The latest jobless figures for September for the county have been released - with all but two areas showing an increase.
A popular garden centre has gone on the market as its long-time owners retire.
With "mumbled eggs", sourdough toast and a proper cup of tea - our reviewer had a five-star veggie breakfast experience at this unusual cafe.
The administrators of an historic paper mill say it will wind down operations unless a buyer comes forward 'urgently'.
A brewery which has seen Brexit obliterate the bulk of its export sales, says it continues to trade as normal ahead of a likely sale.
A Kent firm which has become the UK's largest fruit processor has been sold in a multi-million pound deal.
A builders' merchant says its staff will each receive a £750 payment to help them through the cost-of-living crisis.
Two of the county's leading water companies have come bottom in a league table of those hitting performance targets.
A pub landlady has revealed the sentimental attraction as to why she has taken over a second pub in one Kent town.
The boom in vaping and rise in youngsters using disposables has prompted plenty of headlines. We take an in-depth look at the impact of the 'craze'.
From swimming in your pyjamas, BBC Micro computers and Panini football stickers - we take a look back at life in Kent's schools in the 1970s and 80s.
We explain the key issues around the current interest rate rises, why they are happening and what it means for just how much you'll pay each month.
Shepherd Neame is back in profit - but while it hopes to have turned the corner on Covid, it warns of 'significant headwinds' it faces.
Homeowners are being urged to act now to prevent their monthly mortgage costs rocketing ahead of more predicted increases in interest rates.
Commuters will have a dramatically altered timetable in December - with one town benefitting from a new sub-hour route to Charing Cross.
Social enterprises are growing in popularity - and delivering real value to communities across Kent.
A leading construction event returns next week - with thousands of industry figures expected to attend.
A former car showroom and repair garage have both been sold after a major dealership merged its outlets.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!