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Recreating seminal Manchester band The Smiths, we speak to the Morrissey look-a-like on recreating one of music's most controversial figures.
Department store M&S says it is looking at new sites - but they could spell the end for high street branches.
Small businesses are to receive a boost later this month when a roadshow touring towns and cities across the UK pays a visit to the county.
More than £500,000 has been secured to help firms in the county reduce their carbon footprint.
The discount fashion retailer says it has plans to dramatically expand its portfolio of stores.
The latest financial figures for Kent's biggest pub firm show the lockdowns hit hard - but there's optimism for the future.
The latest incarnation of a football management game is released this week - but be will forever blur fact with fiction.
A major new site for a growing company in the county has been officially opened.
Fire crews rushed to the scene of a fire at a home this morning - and rescued a pet dog.
Part of the A21 was closed for several hours following a 'serious' crash.
Rail services on a key Kent route faced delays and cancellations after a train broke down blocking the line.
Could Kent be set to usher in its very own form of 'trailer parks' offering homes at 50% less than average prices?
A luxury dessert producer, which a Michelin-starred celebrity chef helped set up, has sold a majority stake to a Spanish company.
A leading business organisation is calling on the Chancellor for more support to prevent firms from struggling this winter.
A village pub has new landlords after a couple with a long history in the hospitality industry took over the reins.
A new report reveals the average house price of homes across the county - and the incredible increase over the last five years.
A union has slammed a government review into the reasons train firm Southeastern was stripped of its franchise last month.
Organisers of one of the first major business events of the new year have unveiled a host of speakers it has added to its line-up.
Before smart phones, the playground was a simpler place – we take a look back at the fads which drained pocket money during the 80s and 90s.
One of the county's major further education providers says it aims to be net zero 10 years ahead of the government's target.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!