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Our reviewer heads back to a familiar spot now under a new name and management and hoping to last longer than its short-lived predecessor.
Some 250,000 tonnes of coffee grounds are produced each year in the UK - now a Kent scheme is set to give it a second life.
A High Street pub has won a conservation award after it underwent a three-month £1.2m refurbishment.
A scheme to ensure Kent industry has the necessary skilled workforce has already seen £8m invested.
A leading foodbank, which makes thousands of deliveries a year to the needy, has appointed an experienced executive to its team.
A question mark hangs over the future of two of Kent’s most popular garden centres after investors embarked on a restructuring process.
‘Dream not over yet’ say London Resort chiefs as investors in £2.5bn park potentially among those seeking to buy peninsula land.
A vigil has been held for those who perished last week in the latest Channel tragedy, amid calls for the government to take urgent action.
Five stores in the county have won a reprieve after a consortium saved a popular brand from administration - but it is too late for three shops.
Local Facebook groups suggest everywhere in Kent is a festering pit of crime and overdevelopment…so isn’t it time we take a more positive approach?
On the 25th anniversary of his death, we look back at one of the most controversial men in politics - who lived in a Kent castle.
The county’s biggest winemaker has seen its profits shrink while its CEO has announced he is to leave the company.
A building used as an inland inspection facility has been sold in a deal worth more than £9 million.
A rapidly growing company in the county has appointed a new chief executive to spearhead its ongoing expansion.
As millions seek to snap up tickets to Oasis’ reunion shows, our columnist will not be among them…
Two of the major cross-Channel ferry operators have this week launched a new scheme designed to cut down on wait times at Dover.
A leading campaigner has warned costs for motorists in Kent are set to soar, with the new Labour government predicted to hike fuel duty.
Just days after entering the English wine market, a leading brewer in the county has now launched a mobile pizza wagon.
Model firm Hornby has seen its senior team boosted by the addition of an experienced figure.
Kent is a sight to behold in the summer - but few will escape two regular visitors which create quite the stink.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!