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Latest figures reveal the likelihood of employers hiring over the coming quarter.
Mental health hospital is recruiting a raft of staff for its opening later this year.
A number of senior appointments have been made as science park looks to accelerate its growth.
The future of yet another high street name hangs in the balance as Poundworld calls in administrators, putting 5,000 jobs at risk.
The musician and TV star will perform a series of shows on-board next year and lend his name to one of its restaurants.
Free event takes place on June 18 and is free for private landlords from across the county.
Yet another blow to high streets as another major chain finds itself in major financial problems
It allows brands to test a product launch on a local scale ahead of wider national campaigns.
Water company rapped over failing to hit leak targets meaning rebates for millions of customers
Another major high street chain faces financial problems - but will Kent stores survive the axe?
Experts say items dating back thousands of years are waiting to be discovered across the county.
Latest twist in the saga of the once mighty company as it switches loan deals.
Introduction of new cooling system has dramatically reduced the amount of energy consumed by the link under the Channel.
Owners to sell off entire nationwide portfolio of UK's biggest garden centre chain.
Motoring group RAC says petrol and diesel prices rocketed during May - but hope of a dip may be on the horizon.
Firm has rapidly expanded over the years and now hopes latest move will boost its corporate finance offering.
Improvements will help fruit supplies from Kent and support the industry as Brexit looms, says farming giant's MD.
Visit was held to coincide with last week's English Wine Week and shine a light on tourism push.
A watch firm with seven outlets - including stores in Kent and London's Mayfair - has been sold to a Swiss luxury goods group.
Latest regular service from busy Kent port launches.
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