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As the number of children being pulled out of mainstream schools rockets, there are fears some could find themselves in danger.
The flouting of double yellow lines on our roads only appears to be escalating - our columnist comes up with a solution.
After months of gloom, our reviewer takes a seat, in the sunshine, at a seaside cafe and basks in the county’s glory.
As landlords sell their properties, the squeeze on available homes for renters is intensifying and prices are being hiked yet further.
One of the leading winemakers in the county has confirmed the identity of its new chief financial officer.
The share price in a defence firm - which has a large site in the county - has hit an all-time high as global tensions rise.
Pollution in our waterways has stalled the building of thousands of new homes - but could things be about to change?
Eagle-eyed police were able to find a stolen vehicle ‘within two minutes’ of it being reported stolen - although the crooks fled.
A village pub which enraged locals by not accepting cash, has called time and closed.
A price hike for rail fares across the county comes into force today - and railcards are getting more expensive too.
Change is inevitable - and necessary - but the impending demolition of a shopping arcade will carry emotional weight to many, writes our columnist.
A key road junction close to Manston Airport is set for major improvements ahead of the airport’s £650m regeneration.
One of Kent’s biggest winemakers has seen its biggest shareholder up his stake - while another is set to return to private ownership
One of the county’s leading business events has confirmed its 2025 date and its first speakers.
A major UK retailer says work on outfitting a major new logistics hub is now complete - a move likely to spell the end for its existing Kent site.
It has emerged the public lost millions after a £2.5bn theme park scheme, dubbed the “Dartford Disneyland”, collapsed earlier this year.
Adults acting like children at kids’ football is nothing new as our columnist recalls his own experience at a game for nine-year-olds.
As BBC soap EastEnders celebrates its 40th anniversary, we speak to a long-time scriptwriter on the show who lifts the lid on life in Albert Square.
Our columnist takes a trip into London and finds himself witnessing an attempted crime - and hoping the trend doesn’t reach Kent.
The company behind the high-speed rail line through Kent has announced it has a new name - but there’s no mention of resuming Eurostar services.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!